Top 3 Keto Mistakes to Avoid.


In this concise article, we'll explore the Top Three Common Keto Mistakes to avoid.

What to expect in this brief article:

  1. Consuming too much fat.
  2. Consuming keto snacks
  3. Consuming hidden carbs
  4. Not consuming enough quality protein
  5. Source acknowledgement


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Three Common mistakes on keto and what to do: 

1. Consuming too much fat:

Eating more fat doesn’t get you more into ketosis—it is the lowering of your carbs that does the trick. 

• Don’t consume extra fat unless you’re new to keto and need help fasting longer. 

• Eat the fat that normally comes with the protein you eat. Don't go low fat, but not extra, as well. Especially, if you are trying to fix insulin resistance and diabetes.

Insulin resistance is the pre-stage before diabetes. It starts off mild then it gradually turns worse and worse until it becomes advanced, when a person becomes pre-diabetic and then diabetic. So, diabetes is the advanced stage of insulin resistance.

If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, then avoid stuffing yourself with more fat. That will contribute to the problem. That is one of the biggest mistakes that people exercising keto, over eat fat.


2. Consuming keto snacks: 

Keto snacks are completely against what we are trying to achieve. Insulin is not just increased by carbs. It’s increased by eating, and these snacks will actually increase it. 

There are many keto snacks available in stores. If you read the labels, you will find these goods are filled with polydextrose and dextrose, and all these new fibers that have not been tested, like topioca corn fiber, etc.

Only the label "Keto" doesn't make it keto. Many people are failing on keto because of these keto snacks. If you see the label "Maltitol", it is same as sugar. 

So, be wary of the so called "Keto Friendly" brands, like "Atkins".

  • Avoid snacks, even keto snacks. 
  • Just rely on real food.


 3. Consuming hidden carbs:

Be sure to look for hidden carbs, especially maltodextrin, in your food and supplements. 

Fruit and berries contain fructose and glucose, which can also cause problems. 

Although, fructose is low on glycemic index, yet it can create a major problem with insulin resistance.

While fruits like apples, peaches, and pears are typically harvested during September, October, and November, advancements in storage facilities enable their availability throughout the year. This accessibility contributes to the potential over consumption of fructose among individuals.

High consumption of fructose, especially when coupled with a high-fat diet, can pose health risks as our bodies are not equipped to handle such excessive intake.

  • Check your food labels for poly-dextrose, dextrose, maltitol, topioca, etc. Avoid these.
  • Avoid fruit, for it has half fructose and half glucose
  • Use Berries in moderate quantity
  • Avoid agave nectar (very high in fructose index)


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4. Not consuming enough quality protein:

Not consuming enough bioavailable protein, or solely relying on plant-based protein, signals to the brain that you need to keep eating. Also, if you’re deficient in amino acids before going into a prolonged fast, you’re not going to feel very good. 

• Consume a moderate amount of quality bio-available protein 

• Take a blend of complete amino acids (if you don’t feel good while fasting)


Source acknowledgement:

Dr. Eric Berg, a specialist in Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. 

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